
Competition law

Competition law regulations are regulations that need to be taken into account in planning the behaviour of business entities in the market. The competition law regulations is increasingly harmonised on the international level, yet business entities that are active in foreign markets still need to account for certain specific regulations of these markets. In the framework of providing counselling services, we provide our clients with support in the notification of concentration, from establishing that the legal and commercial conditions for concentration are met, to defining the relevant markets and analysing the effect of concentration on these markets. During market participation, restriction of competition can occur that is contrary to the rules of competition law, as a strong position enables companies to enact practices and actions that constitute an abuse of their market position. The actions of companies on the market can constitute unfair competition that causes damage on the market.

Our firm offers clients counsel on concrete questions from the field of competition law, we support our clients in defending against unfair competition acts and represent them in proceedings before competition authorities.